T. Benner et al. Animated 3D visualization of ischemic lesions with diffusion-weighted MR imaging

Results · Case 3

Animated Diffusion-weighted Data Diffusion-weighted Images T2-weighted Images
[Animated 3D movie]

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Case 3: 59-yo female patient

Signs & Symptoms: Deterioration of an pre-existing broca's aphasia since three hours.
T2: Slight hyperintensity of the left centrum semiovale.
DWI: Hyperintensity of the left centrum semiovale and the peritrigonal white matter.
Results: Hemodynamic infarction of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and anterior cerebral artery (ACA) territory border in the left centrum semiovale and hyperacute hemodynamic infarction of the MCA/posterior cerebral artery (PCA) territory border.
[diffusion image, slice 1] [diffusion image, slice 2] [T2 image, slice 1] [T2 image, slice 2]
[diffusion image, slice 3] [diffusion image, slice 4] [T2 image, slice 3] [T2 image, slice 4]
[diffusion image, slice 5] [diffusion image, slice 6] [T2 image, slice 5] [T2 image, slice 6]
[diffusion image, slice 7] [diffusion image, slice 8] [T2 image, slice 7] [T2 image, slice 8]
[diffusion image, slice 9] [diffusion image, slice 10] [T2 image, slice 9] [T2 image, slice 10]

[ Title | Abstract | Introduction | Materials & Methods | Results | Conclusion | References ]