Yamaha DX11 Digital Programmable Algorithm Synthesizer

Factory Presets: Effects Data, Micro-Tuning Scales, Program-Change Table

When the DX11 was shipped, it came with certain presets including factory-set effects (delay, pan, chord) and micro-tuning scales. These data were stored (only) in RAM and would get lost if they were overwritten or if the built-in battery became low and had to be replaced.

There is apparently not much online information available about these presets. The only sources I could find are at <http://www.sysexdb.com>. There is a DX11 section (web.archive.org link, 2020-11-12 and web.archive.org link, 2021-03-22), which contains several MIDI sysex files with related data. However, due to some technical issues at sysexdb.com, some files in this section are either too short (containing only every second byte) or too long (with added null bytes at every second position), and this behavior changed around February 2021. This means that some files can be obtained from the webarchive only from the pre-2021 captures and others only from the post-2020 captures.

First, let me list the relevant DX11 sysex file formats and the corresponding correct file sizes:

The data relevant for the sound of the original performance memories can be restored either from the AL dump or from the EF and MC dumps.

On sysexdb.com are:

(The webarchive links go to captures with the correct file size.)

Of these files, the contents of 1324.syx (AL), 1733.syx (AL, repaired), and 1944.syx (AL) are identical. However, the contents of 1938.syx (PC), 1939.syx (EF), and 1940.syx (MC) (which together are equivalent to an AL dump) are clearly different. So which dumps might be (closer to) the original DX11 presets?

At this point, I was indeed lucky and found an old sheet of paper from the late 1980s in a long-ignored shelf with some hand-written notes about at least some presets:

DX11 handwritten notes about effects

I cannot guarantee that these parameters reflect the original presets, but at least for columns III and IV they might well do. And these parameters match much better with the sysex file 1939.syx (EF) than with the AL dumps listed above.

So, it appears reasonable to provide the contents (1 program-change table, 4 effect memories, and 2 micro-tuning scales) of 1938.syx, 1939.syx, and 1940.syx (uploaded by Wayne Price, wprice) as candidate for the original factory presets. For completeness, the contents of 1324.syx are listed on this page.

If you should have additional or conflicting information, please contact me by e-mail <olaf@dtrx.de>; I’m going to collect any variants.

Preset Effects (Delay, Pan, Chord)

The following four tables contain the effects data from 1939.syx and may reflect (at least substantial parts of) the original presets:

Effects Memory #1

Delay1 Delay Time:   0.06 s
Delay1 Pitch Shift:   +0
Delay1 Feedback:     0
Delay1 Effect Level: 95

Pan1 Select:     LFO
Pan1 Direction:  I->II
Pan1 Pan Range:  25

Chord1 Key C3  : E2  / G2  / C3  / C#5
Chord1 Key C#3 : F2  / G#2 / A#2 / C#3
Chord1 Key D3  : G2  / B2  / D3  / D#5
Chord1 Key D#3 : G2  / A#2 / D#3 / E5 
Chord1 Key E3  : G2  / C3  / E3  / F5 
Chord1 Key F3  : A2  / C3  / D3  / F3 
Chord1 Key F#3 : A#2 / C#3 / D#3 / F#3
Chord1 Key G3  : B2  / D3  / G3  / G#5
Chord1 Key G#3 : C3  / D#3 / F3  / G#3
Chord1 Key A3  : C3  / F3  / A3  / A#5
Chord1 Key A#3 : D3  / F3  / G3  / A#3
Chord1 Key B3  : D3  / F3  / G3  / B3 

Effects Memory #2

Delay2 Delay Time:   0.12 s
Delay2 Pitch Shift:   +0
Delay2 Feedback:     0
Delay2 Effect Level: 80

Pan2 Select:     LFO
Pan2 Direction:  II->I
Pan2 Pan Range:  80

Chord2 Key C3  : C4  / D3  / G3  / C#5
Chord2 Key C#3 : G#3 / C#4 / D#3 / D5 
Chord2 Key D3  : D4  / E3  / A3  / D#5
Chord2 Key D#3 : D#4 / F3  / A#3 / E5 
Chord2 Key E3  : F#3 / E4  / B3  / F5 
Chord2 Key F3  : F4  / C4  / G3  / F#5
Chord2 Key F#3 : G#3 / F#4 / C#4 / G5 
Chord2 Key G3  : A3  / G4  / D4  / G#5
Chord2 Key G#3 : G#4 / D#4 / A#3 / A5 
Chord2 Key A3  : A4  / B3  / E4  / A#5
Chord2 Key A#3 : C4  / A#4 / F4  / B5 
Chord2 Key B3  : F#4 / C#4 / B4  / C6 

Effects Memory #3

Delay3 Delay Time:   0.12 s
Delay3 Pitch Shift:   +0
Delay3 Feedback:     0
Delay3 Effect Level: 99

Pan3 Select:     velocity
Pan3 Direction:  I->II
Pan3 Pan Range:  99

Chord3 Key C3  : C2  / A#2 / A3  / E3 
Chord3 Key C#3 : C#2 / A#3 / F3  / B2 
Chord3 Key D3  : D2  / B3  / F#3 / C3 
Chord3 Key D#3 : C4  / D#2 / C#3 / G3 
Chord3 Key E3  : D3  / G#3 / E2  / C#4
Chord3 Key F3  : F2  / D#3 / D4  / A3 
Chord3 Key F#3 : F#2 / E3  / A#3 / D#4
Chord3 Key G3  : E4  / B3  / F3  / G2 
Chord3 Key G#3 : G#2 / C4  / F#3 / F4 
Chord3 Key A3  : A2  / C#4 / F#4 / G3 
Chord3 Key A#3 : A#2 / G#3 / G4  / D4 
Chord3 Key B3  : B2  / A3  / D#4 / G#4

Effects Memory #4

Delay4 Delay Time:   0.25 s
Delay4 Pitch Shift:   +5
Delay4 Feedback:     4
Delay4 Effect Level: 80

Pan4 Select:     note
Pan4 Direction:  I->II
Pan4 Pan Range:  99

Chord4 Key C3  : D#3 / F#3 / A3  / C4 
Chord4 Key C#3 : E3  / G3  / A#3 / C#4
Chord4 Key D3  : F3  / G#3 / B3  / D4 
Chord4 Key D#3 : F#3 / A3  / C4  / D#4
Chord4 Key E3  : G3  / A#3 / C#4 / E4 
Chord4 Key F3  : G#3 / B3  / D4  / F4 
Chord4 Key F#3 : A3  / C4  / D#4 / F#4
Chord4 Key G3  : A#3 / C#4 / E4  / G4 
Chord4 Key G#3 : B3  / D4  / F4  / G#4
Chord4 Key A3  : C4  / D#4 / F#4 / A4 
Chord4 Key A#3 : C#4 / E4  / G4  / A#4
Chord4 Key B3  : D4  / F4  / G#4 / B4 

Factory-Set Micro-Tuning Scales

The following two tables contain the micro-tuning scales from 1940.syx. The octave scale is an upside-down keyboard; the full scale contains some sort of blues scale above G2.

Octave Micro Tuning

C3 : C4    +0  (3776)
C#3: B3    +0  (3712)
D3 : A#3   +0  (3648)
D#3: A3    +0  (3584)
E3 : G#3   +0  (3520)
F3 : G3    +0  (3456)
F#3: F#3   +0  (3392)
G3 : F3    +0  (3328)
G#3: E3    +0  (3264)
A3 : D#3   +0  (3200)
A#3: D3    +0  (3136)
B3 : C#3   +0  (3072)

Full-Keyboard Micro Tuning

C-2 : C0    +0  ( 704)      G#0 : G#0   +0  (1216)      E3  : F3    +0  (3328)      C6  : C6    +0  (5312)      
C#-2: C#-1  +0  (   0)      A0  : A0    +0  (1280)      F3  : F#3   +0  (3392)      C#6 : A#4   +0  (4416)      
D-2 : D-1   +0  (  64)      A#0 : A#0   +0  (1344)      F#3 : A3    +0  (3584)      D6  : D#6   +0  (5504)      
D#-2: D#-1  +0  ( 128)      B0  : B0    +0  (1408)      G3  : G3    +0  (3456)      D#6 : E5    +0  (4800)      
E-2 : E-1   +0  ( 192)      C1  : C1    +0  (1472)      G#3 : E3    +0  (3264)      E6  : F6    +0  (5632)      
F-2 : F-1   +0  ( 256)      C#1 : C#1   +0  (1536)      A3  : A#3   +0  (3648)      F6  : F#6   +0  (5696)      
F#-2: F#-1  +0  ( 320)      D1  : D1    +0  (1600)      A#3 : A#3   +0  (3648)      F#6 : A5    +0  (5120)      
G-2 : G-1   +0  ( 384)      D#1 : D#1   +0  (1664)      B3  : B3    +0  (3712)      G6  : G6    +0  (5760)      
G#-2: G#-1  +0  ( 448)      E1  : E1    +0  (1728)      C4  : C4    +0  (3776)      G#6 : G5    +0  (4992)      
A-2 : A-1   +0  ( 512)      F1  : F1    +0  (1792)      C#4 : D#4   +0  (3968)      A6  : A#6   +0  (5952)      
A#-2: A#-1  +0  ( 576)      F#1 : F#1   +0  (1856)      D4  : D#4   +0  (3968)      A#6 : C5    +0  (4544)      
B-2 : B-1   +0  ( 640)      G1  : G1    +0  (1920)      D#4 : D#3   +0  (3200)      B6  : B6    +0  (6016)      
C-1 : C0    +0  ( 704)      G#1 : G#1   +0  (1984)      E4  : F4    +0  (4096)      C7  : C7    +0  (6080)      
C#-1: C#-1  +0  (   0)      A1  : A1    +0  (2048)      F4  : F#4   +0  (4160)      C#7 : A4    +0  (4352)      
D-1 : D-1   +0  (  64)      A#1 : A#1   +0  (2112)      F#4 : A3    +0  (3584)      D7  : D#6   +0  (5504)      
D#-1: D#-1  +0  ( 128)      B1  : B1    +0  (2176)      G4  : G4    +0  (4224)      D#7 : D#6   +0  (5504)      
E-1 : E-1   +0  ( 192)      C2  : C2    +0  (2240)      G#4 : D4    +0  (3904)      E7  : E6    +0  (5568)      
F-1 : F-1   +0  ( 256)      C#2 : C#2   +0  (2304)      A4  : A#4   +0  (4416)      F7  : F6    +0  (5632)      
F#-1: F#-1  +0  ( 320)      D2  : D2    +0  (2368)      A#4 : A4    +0  (4352)      F#7 : F#6   +0  (5696)      
G-1 : G-1   +0  ( 384)      D#2 : D#2   +0  (2432)      B4  : B4    +0  (4480)      G7  : G6    +0  (5760)      
G#-1: G#-1  +0  ( 448)      E2  : E2    +0  (2496)      C5  : C5    +0  (4544)      G#7 : G#6   +0  (5824)      
A-1 : A-1   +0  ( 512)      F2  : F2    +0  (2560)      C#5 : D5    +0  (4672)      A7  : A6    +0  (5888)      
A#-1: A#-1  +0  ( 576)      F#2 : D3    +0  (3136)      D5  : D#5   +0  (4736)      A#7 : A#6   +0  (5952)      
B-1 : B-1   +0  ( 640)      G2  : G2    +0  (2688)      D#5 : G5    +0  (4992)      B7  : B6    +0  (6016)      
C0  : C0    +0  ( 704)      G#2 : G3    +0  (3456)      E5  : F5    +0  (4864)      C8  : C7    +0  (6080)      
C#0 : C#0   +0  ( 768)      A2  : A#2   +0  (2880)      F5  : F#5   +0  (4928)      C#8 : C#6   +0  (5376)      
D0  : D0    +0  ( 832)      A#2 : C4    +0  (3776)      F#5 : F3    +0  (3328)      D8  : D6    +0  (5440)      
D#0 : D#0   +0  ( 896)      B2  : B2    +0  (2944)      G5  : G5    +0  (4992)      D#8 : D#6   +0  (5504)      
E0  : E0    +0  ( 960)      C3  : C3    +0  (3008)      G#5 : B3    +0  (3712)      E8  : E6    +0  (5568)      
F0  : F0    +0  (1024)      C#3 : A#2   +0  (2880)      A5  : A#5   +0  (5184)      F8  : F6    +0  (5632)      
F#0 : F#0   +0  (1088)      D3  : D#3   +0  (3200)      A#5 : D#4   +0  (3968)      F#8 : F#6   +0  (5696)      
G0  : G0    +0  (1152)      D#3 : E3    +0  (3264)      B5  : B5    +0  (5248)      G8  : G6    +0  (5760)      

Factory-Set Program Change Tables

This is the program-change table from 1938.syx. It is, obviously, some kind of well-ordered default table with all the internal voices and the first three ROM banks.

  1: I01                33: A01 Syn.Str 1      65: B01 DX7 EP         97: C01 Strings 1     
  2: I02                34: A02 Syn.Str 2      66: B02 Old Rose       98: C02 Strings 2     
  3: I03                35: A03 Sy.Bass 1      67: B03 E.Piano 1      99: C03 Ensemble 1    
  4: I04                36: A04 Sy.Bass 2      68: B04 E.Piano 2     100: C04 Ensemble 2    
  5: I05                37: A05 Sy.Bass 3      69: B05 Grand PF      101: C05 Violin 1      
  6: I06                38: A06 Sy.Bass 4      70: B06 Upright       102: C06 Violin 2      
  7: I07                39: A07 Sy.Ensem. 1    71: B07 Flamenco      103: C07 Cello 1       
  8: I08                40: A08 Sy.Ensem. 2    72: B08 A.Guitar      104: C08 Cello 2       
  9: I09                41: A09 Sy.Ensem. 3    73: B09 F.Guitar      105: C09 Brass 1       
 10: I10                42: A10 Sy.Ensem. 4    74: B10 Banjo         106: C10 Brass 2       
 11: I11                43: A11 Sy.Ensem. 5    75: B11 E.Guitar      107: C11 Trumpet 1     
 12: I12                44: A12 Sy.Perc. 1     76: B12 Mute Gtr      108: C12 Trumpet 2     
 13: I13                45: A13 Sy.Perc. 2     77: B13 Harp 1        109: C13 Trombone      
 14: I14                46: A14 Sy.Perc. 3     78: B14 Harp 2        110: C14 Horn          
 15: I15                47: A15 Sy.Perc. 4     79: B15 Harpsichrd    111: C15 Tuba          
 16: I16                48: A16 Sy.Bass 1      80: B16 Clavi         112: C16 Sax 1         
 17: I17                49: A17 Sy.Bass 2      81: B17 Koto          113: C17 Sax 2         
 18: I18                50: A18 Sy.Bass 3      82: B18 Syamisen      114: C18 Wood Wind     
 19: I19                51: A19 Sy.Bass 4      83: B19 Marimba       115: C19 Clarinet 1    
 20: I20                52: A20 Sy.Bass 5      84: B20 Xylophone     116: C20 Clarinet 2    
 21: I21                53: A21 Sy.Organ 1     85: B21 Vibe.         117: C21 Oboe          
 22: I22                54: A22 Sy.Organ 2     86: B22 Glocken       118: C22 Flute 1       
 23: I23                55: A23 Sy.Solo 1      87: B23 Tube bell     119: C23 Flute 2       
 24: I24                56: A24 Sy.Solo 2      88: B24 Toy Piano     120: C24 Recorder      
 25: I25                57: A25 Sy.Solo 3      89: B25 Pizz. 1       121: C25 Harmonica     
 26: I26                58: A26 Sy.Solo 4      90: B26 Pizz. 2       122: C26 E.Organ 1     
 27: I27                59: A27 Sy.Voice 1     91: B27 E.Bass 1      123: C27 E.Organ 2     
 28: I28                60: A28 Sy.Voice 2     92: B28 E.Bass 2      124: C28 E.Organ 3     
 29: I29                61: A29 Sy.Decay 1     93: B29 E.Bass 3      125: C29 E.Organ 4     
 30: I30                62: A30 Sy.Decay 2     94: B30 Wood Bass     126: C30 P.Organ 1     
 31: I31                63: A31 Sy.Sitar       95: B31 Bell          127: C31 P.Organ 2     
 32: I32                64: A32 Sy.Aftr Tch    96: B32 Steel Drum    128: C32 Accordion